Factors affecting plant stress resistance of humic acid fertilizers: stress degree and structure of humic acid

We know that humic acid fertilizer can improve the stress resistance of plants. The first and most intuitive influencing factor is the concentration of humic acid fertilizer. In addition, what other factors can affect the improvement of plant stress resistance by humic acid fertilizers?

Factors affecting plant stress resistance of humic acid fertilizers: stress degree
The effect of humic acid fertilizer on plant stress resistance varies depending on the degree of stress. Humic acid fertilizer can alleviate mild Cd pollution in the soil, significantly inhibit the absorption of Cd by wheat seedlings, promote the dry matter accumulation of wheat seedlings and the absorption and accumulation of trace nutrients such as Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn; with the degree of Cd pollution Aggravated, the ability of humic acid fertilizers to inhibit Cd absorption by plants weakens, and has different effects on the absorption of Cu, Zn, Fe, Mn and other trace nutrients. Therefore, under adverse conditions, the degree of stress to plants affects the effect of humic acid fertilizers. Effect.

Factors affecting plant stress resistance of humic acid fertilizers: the structure of humic acid
The functional groups such as alkyl, carboxyl and carbonyl groups of humic acid fertilizers are also key factors in its resistance to adverse stress. Some studies even believe that the effect of these functional groups is greater than the added concentration. Studies have shown that the inhibitory effect of humic acid fertilizers on the plant wilt pathogen Fusarium oxysporum is related to the nature and content of its carboxyl functional group.

In summary, the effect of humic acid fertilizer on improving plant stress resistance is also affected by the degree of stress and the structure of humic acid.

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