Methods for applying humic acid organic fertilizer to fruit trees

Apply base fertilizer to fruit trees: Generally, after the fruit trees fall off their leaves in winter, the base fertilizer should be organic fertilizer with an organic matter content of more than 80% and a humic acid content of more than 40% to humic acid. Apply 250-300 kilograms of fertilizer per acre (adjusted according to the specific conditions of the soil), or choose organic matter. Organic and inorganic compound fertilizer with high humic acid content of 30%, humic acid content of more than 20%, nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of about 20%, 300-400 kilograms per acre (adjusted according to specific soil conditions).
The use of humic acid organic and inorganic compound fertilizers is sufficient and comprehensive in nutrients, and can meet the nutrients needed for the growth, germination and fruiting of fruit trees. The fertilization position is at the edge of the tree crown projection, using the method of trench application or hole application, and digging trenches at the edge of the tree crown projection. Because the underside of the canopy is also where the root system is most densely distributed, fertilizing at the edge under the canopy will not damage the root system and is conducive to the absorption of fertilizer. Dig twice in the crown and old trees, with a depth of 20-40 cm. Don’t bury fertilizer too shallowly, as too shallow is not conducive to the absorption of the roots. After fertilizing and burying, water it thoroughly to facilitate absorption by the fruit trees.
Fruit tree top dressing: When the fruit trees grow to the fruit expansion stage, the top dressing should be humic acid organic and inorganic compound fertilizer with a nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of about 25-30%. Apply 80-160 kilograms per acre. You can also choose humic acid with a nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium content of 30%. Fertilize the roots along the furrow so that the fruit trees can absorb it well and the effect is quick.
Fruit trees need top dressing four times throughout the year
The first top dressing should be before flowering.
The budding and flowering of fruit trees consumes a lot of nutrients. If the nutrients are not supplied at this time, the flowering period will be prolonged and the fruit setting rate will be reduced. Therefore, quick-acting fertilizers must be applied in an appropriate amount.
The second time is to fertilize after flowers.
This top dressing should be carried out immediately after the flowers fall to reduce physiological fruit drop, promote the growth of new shoots and expand the leaf area. The first and second topdressings should be closely combined, mainly applying quick-acting nitrogen fertilizer. Apply 100 kilograms of decomposed manure or 1 kilogram of potassium humate to each mature tree.
The third time is top dressing during the fruit enlargement and flower bud differentiation stages.
At this time, the fruit expands rapidly and the flower buds begin to differentiate. The contradiction between reproductive growth and vegetative growth is acute. Timely application of appropriate amounts of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilizers can improve the photosynthetic effect of the leaves, promote nutrient accumulation, and meet the nutritional needs of fruit expansion and flower bud differentiation. need.
The fourth time is to topdress when the shoots stop growing in autumn.
The main function is to improve the photosynthetic function of leaves, increase the later accumulation of nutrients in the tree, and promote the continued differentiation and fullness of flower buds. For the third and fourth top dressing, apply 50 kilograms of human excrement, 1 kilogram of potassium humate, and 0.5 kilograms of fulvic acid to each mature tree. The fourth fertilization time: early-maturing and mid-maturing varieties can be applied after harvesting, while late-maturing varieties should be applied before harvesting.
In addition to regular fertilization, spraying 200 times of potassium humate leachate or potassium fulvic acid during the fruit expansion period will have good results. Water immediately after each application of fertilizer.
The specific operation time and amount of fertilization and top dressing must be adjusted in time according to the specific local soil and crop growth conditions under the guidance of professionals to ensure the effectiveness of the fertilizer.

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