The role of humic acid on fruit trees

Humic acid is a natural macromolecular aromatic weak acid polymer with a complex structure. It is a biological residue that is accumulated through a series of processes of microbial decomposition and transformation and geochemistry. It is mainly derived from weathered coal, peat, lignite and biological fermentation.
The following is a brief description of several applications of humic acid in fruit tree planting:
1. Improve the soil
Humic acid is a porous substance that can improve the structure of soil aggregates, adjust soil water, fertilizer, gas, and heat conditions, increase soil exchange capacity, adjust soil PH value, and achieve acid-base balance. Its adsorption and complexation reactions can reduce harmful substances in the soil (including residual pesticides, heavy metals and other toxic substances), improve the natural purification ability of the soil, and reduce pollution. At the same time, due to the colloidal properties of humic acid, it can improve the microbial community in the soil and is suitable for the growth and reproduction of beneficial bacteria.
2. Stimulate the growth of fruit trees
Humic acid contains a variety of active genes, which can enhance the activity of catalase and polyphenolase in fruit trees, stimulate plant physiological metabolism, promote saplings to take root quickly, have more roots, develop roots, and have strong, lush stems, branches and leaves. Strong photosynthesis accelerates the transfer and absorption of nutrients.
3. Increase fertilizer efficiency
Humic acid contains active groups such as carboxyl and phenolic hydroxyl groups, and has strong exchange and adsorption capabilities, which can reduce the loss of ammonium nitrogen and improve nitrogen fertilizer utilization. Degraded nitrohumic acid can increase the distance phosphorus moves in the soil, inhibit the fixation of water-soluble phosphorus in the soil, and promote the absorption of phosphorus by the roots. The functional group of this product can absorb and store potassium ions, making the potassium fertilizer slowly decompose and increasing the quick-acting content. This product can chelate with calcium, magnesium, copper, zinc and other insoluble metal ions to promote the absorption of trace elements by fruit trees. It can also promote the growth of microorganisms.
4. Enhance stress resistance characteristics and improve fruit quality
Humic acid can reduce the opening of leaf stomata, reduce leaf surface water evaporation, adjust water volume, improve the water status of plants, and ensure the normal growth of fruit trees under drought conditions. Because it is an amphoteric colloid, it has high surface activity and has an inhibitory effect on fungi. It can enhance the cold resistance of fruit trees and reduce pests and diseases.
Humic acid can form complexes or chelates with trace elements, adjust the ratio of macroelements to trace elements, strengthen enzyme synthesis and operation of sugar, starch, protein and various vitamins, convert polysaccharides into soluble simple sugars, and promote The synthesis and accumulation of starch and protein increase fruit size and sugar content, thereby improving fruit quality.

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