How Humic Acid Improves Fertilizer Effectiveness

Humic acid is a natural organic matter that can improve the effectiveness of fertilizers in a variety of ways, including the following aspects:

Improve soil structure: Humic acid can promote the stability of soil aggregates, improve soil structure, increase soil aeration and water retention, and is beneficial to root growth and nutrient absorption. This improves soil fertility and promotes plant growth.

Promote microbial activity: Humic acid can provide carbon sources and energy for microorganisms in the soil, promote the growth and reproduction of beneficial microorganisms, and increase the activity of soil microorganisms. These microorganisms can decompose organic matter, fix nitrogen, and release various mineral elements, helping to improve soil fertility and fertilizer utilization.

Chelation: The functional groups (such as carboxyl groups, phenol groups, etc.) in humic acid have the ability to chelate metal ions, and can be combined with trace elements such as iron, manganese, and zinc in the soil to form stable chelates, improving the stability of these elements. Effectiveness and availability in the soil are conducive to plant absorption and utilization.

Slow down nutrient loss: Humic acid can form a complex with inorganic nutrients in the soil, reduce the leaching rate of nutrients, reduce nutrient loss, extend the release time of nutrients, and improve the utilization rate of fertilizers.

Adjust soil pH: Humic acid has a certain acidity, which can adjust the soil pH to a certain extent, bringing it closer to the range suitable for plant growth, which is beneficial to improving the effectiveness of fertilizers.

Therefore, using humic acid together with fertilizers can improve the utilization rate of fertilizers, reduce the amount of fertilizers applied, and reduce production costs. It is also beneficial to protecting the environment and reducing the pollution of chemical fertilizers to the soil and water environment.

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